Georgia Imports 44.1% of Its Aviation Fuel From Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan in January-July 2023 exported 29.6 thousand tons of aviation fuel to Georgia. This accounts for 44.1 percent of Georgia’s aviation fuel imports during the period, Business Media Georgia reported on Thursday with reference to the Union of Oil Products Importers of Georgia.

Georgia’s total aviation fuel imports during the period amounted to 67.1thousand tons, the decrease of 0.7 percent compared to the same period last year.

In addition, during 7 months of the current year, 25.8 percent (17.3 thousand tons) of Georgia’s aviation fuel imports came from Azerbaijan; 15.3 percent (10.3 thousand tons) - Greece, 10 percent (6.7 thousand tons) - Turkey, 4.8 percent (3.2 thousand tons) - Malta.

In October last year in Tblisi, Turkmen delegation led by the Head of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET) held discussions on the simplification of Turkmen oil product transit procedures and increasing their volumes, as well as the import of Turkmen petroleum products, and the joint implementation of infrastructure projects related to refining and storage of oil products.

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