Turkmen-Pakistani TAPI Joint Implementation Plan – key points revealed

The federal cabinet of Pakistan has approved a plan for the joint implementation of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, which was recently signed with Turkmenistan, the Profit Pakistan Today reports.

This decision is aimed at accelerating the completion of the feasibility study of the project and its progress to the construction stage.

Having received the necessary permits, the project stakeholders will now focus on finalizing key project agreements, conducting land acquisition processes and developing project implementation strategies to ensure timely completion of the TAPI gas pipeline project.

Key points of the TAPI joint implementation plan (JIP):

Project objectives: The JIP confirms the objectives of the project, which include the transportation of natural gas from the Galkynysh gas field in Turkmenistan to South Asian countries suffering from energy deficit, namely Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The project is aimed at improving regional energy security, promoting economic growth and developing regional cooperation.

Senior Coordinating Committee: In accordance with the Plan, a Senior Coordination Committee will be established, which will include representatives of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The Committee will oversee and accelerate project activities, as well as address any issues that may arise.

Responsibilities and tasks: The Plan clearly fixes the responsibilities and tasks of the participating countries and relevant entities. The main tasks include finalizing the project agreements, conducting land acquisition processes, developing the TAPI security concept, and formulating project implementation strategies.

Legal framework: The Plan serves as the basis for future binding agreements and has been approved by the Ministry of Law and Justice of Pakistan, which ensures its legal force.

Focal person and management: The plan provides for the appointment of a focal person from each participating country to facilitate effective communication and coordination. In the case of Pakistan, a special assistant to the Prime Minister, Jehanzeb Khan, has been nominated as the focal person. The focal persons will play a crucial role in guiding the project implementation efforts from their respective countries.

Terms and main stages: The Plan emphasizes the importance of the deadlines and achieving the main stages of the project. To do this, a time frame will be set for various project activities, which will allow for effective monitoring of project progress.

Government support: The Plan underlines the commitment of the participating governments to support and facilitate the project. The document serves as a roadmap for the successful implementation of the TAPI gas pipeline project. It provides a comprehensive framework for coordination, collaboration and timely completion of key activities.

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