Parties to the Agreement on International Railway Transit Tariff to meet in Ashgabat

The meeting of representatives of the parties to the Agreement on International Railway Transit Tariff will be held on May 15-18 in Ashgabat. The event under the auspices of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD) will be held at the Yyldyz Hotel. The agenda of the meeting includes the intensification of transit traffic and ensuring its competitiveness. Mammetkhan Chakiev, Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers, reported on the working program of the event at a government meeting on Friday. Turkmenistan, being a member of OSJD since 1994, has become an important link in the international transit of goods due to the developing railway infrastructure at the national level and the coordinated transport policy across the region. The country has also established cooperation on the OSJD platform in the field of information technology, scientific, technical and environmental issues. In May 2022, Turkmen Railways joined the Treaty on the International Railway Transit Tariff. At the May 2023 meeting in Ashgabat, important decisions are expected to be made on the organization of transit traffic in international traffic, amendments to the Treaty on the International Railway Transit Tariff.

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